
Usage examples

Map projects by name

Map harbor project to several namespaces. This will create a robot account in my-project harbor project and sync the credentials into team-a and team-b’s namespace as secret central-project-token.

kind: HarborSync
  name: my-project
  type: Regex
  name: "my-project" # <--- specify harbor project
  robotAccountSuffix: "k8s-sync-robot" # <--- should be unique per kind: HarborSync
  - type: Translate
    namespace: "team-a" # <--- target namespace
    secret: "my-project-pull-token" # <--- target secret name
  - type: Translate
    namespace: "team-b"
    secret: "my-project-pull-token"

Map projects using a regular expression

You can specify regular expressions to map a large number of projects to namespaces. This maps harbor teams with the prefix team-. E.g. Harbor project team-frontend maps to k8s namespace team-frontend. The secret’s name will always be my-pull-token. Non-existent k8s namespaces will be ignored.

kind: HarborSync
  name: team-projects
  type: Regex
  name: "team-(.*)" # find harbor projects matching this expression
  robotAccountSuffix: "k8s-sync-robot"
  - type: Translate
    namespace: "team-$1"    # references capturing group from the above
    secret: "team-$1-pull-token" # also here

Map projects using regular expressions #2

You have one harbor project and want to deploy the pull secrets into several namespaces matching a regular expression. E.g. pull tokens for the platform-team project should be distributed into all namespaces matching team-.*.

Use a type: Match on a mapping to say: hey, find namespaces using this regular expression at the namespace field rather than re-using the project name using type: Translate.

kind: HarborSync
  name: platform-team
  type: Regex
  name: "platform-team"
  robotAccountSuffix: "k8s-sync-robot"
  - type: Match  # treat namespace as regexp
    namespace: "team-.*" # if ns matches this it will receive the secret
    secret: "platform-pull-token" # you can still use the capturing group from projectSelector.Name here

Mapping Projects

A mapping defines how to lookup namespaces in the cluster. Generally there are two lookup types: Translate and Match.


Translate will take the Harbor project name into account when looking up namespaces. The ProjectSelector.ProjectName can be a regular expression which holds capturing groups. The idea is to inject those capturing groups when finding namespaces.


Harbor: we have two projects, team-frontend and team-backend. We select them using team-(.*) in the ProjectSelector.ProjectName. And map them to kubernetes namespaces squad-$1. The $1 will be replaced with frontend and backend respectively. In the end each namespaces will have only it’s own secret: team-frontend will only have the secret of Harbor project team-frontend. Namespace team-backend will only have the secret of Harbor project team-backend.


Match doesn’t care about the ProjectSelector.ProjectName. It will just find namespaces in the cluster that match the regular expression.

Example 1:

Harbor: we have one project, team-platform. By setting the field ProjectMapping.Namespace to team-.* we deploy the robot account secret to namespaces

Example 2:

Harbor: we have two projects, team-platform and team-operations. By setting ProjectMapping.Namespace to team-.* we deploy the robot accounts of both the platform and operations project into the namespace. To avoid naming conflicts on the secrets we set ProjectMapping.Secret to $1-pull-token. The result is: All namespaces matching team-.* will have the secrets platform-pull-token and operations-pull-token.

Configuring Webhook Receiver

Webhooks can be configured to notify other services whenever a Robot account is being recreated or refreshed. A POST Request is sent for every Robot account in every Project that has been (re-)created.

Example HTTP Request:

Host: localhost:1938
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 77
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip

  "project": "team-foo",
  "credentials": {
    "name": "robot$sync-bot",

HarborSync CRD configuration:

kind: HarborSync
  name: platform-team
  type: Regex
  name: "team-(.*)"
  robotAccountSuffix: "k8s-sync-robot"
  mapping: [] # mappings are optional!

  # you can specify multiple webhooks
  - endpoint:

The only thing you can configure right now is a target endpoint for the HTTP request. Feel free to contribute or open an issue if you need more functionality.