

This document explains you how to get started with developing harbor-sync. It shows you how to install the prerequisites and how to build, test and run the controller.

Get the code

$ git clone ~/dev/harbor-sync
$ cd ~/dev/harbor-sync

Installing the test environment


Use the provided Vagrantfile to spin up a harbor instance.

$ vagrant up

Right now you need to click your way through harbor to create the projects for testing. Once the installation is done harbor tells you the ip address for this installation (e.g.

If it is not yet running ssh into the machine and try to start the containers with docker-compose:

$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@harbor:~$ sudo docker-compose -f harbor/docker-compose.yml up -d

Tell the manager to access this deployment using environment variables:

$ export HARBOR_USERNAME="admin"
$ export HARBOR_PASSWORD="Harbor12345"

Next, deploy the CRD and run the controller:

$ make generate # gen crds & manifests
$ make install # install crds
$ make run


Now you’re set to do your changes. Please keep in mind:

  • if you add a feature, please add documentation about the usage and write tests that cover at least the happy path

  • run make e2e to run e2e tests

Commit Messages

This projects follows the Conventional Commits specification.


The documentation is hosted via GitHub pages. They are part of the repository and are located in the docs folder. If you change the documentation please regenerate the static site using make docs and include those changes in the PR too. You may find it useful to preview the compiled docs. Run make docs-live to view them in your browser.

Reconciliation loop

This is pretty straight-forward:

  • find harbor projects that match the configured regular expression
    • reconcile robot accounts: i.e. (re-)create them if they do not exist, are disabled, expired or we do not manage the token
  • find namespaces using a mapping config
    • for each namespace: create a secret with type dockerconfigjson with the specified name.

The reconciliation loop is triggered from essentially three sources: * Control Plane: whenever a SyncConfig is created/updated/deleted * Harbor Polling: whenever the state in harbor changes (project or robota account is created, updated, deleted) * time-based using the configured force-sync-interval: forces reconciliation in a fixed interval to cover cases like namespace creation or robot account expiration

