

The harbor-sync binary

Environment Variables

HARBOR_API_ENDPOINT - specify the harbor URL
HARBOR_API_PREFIX - Prefix of the Harbor API. For Harbor v2 set this to ‘/api/v2.0/’
HARBOR_USERNAME - set the username used for authenticating with harbor
HARBOR_PASSWORD - password for harbor authentication
LEADER_ELECT true enable/disable leader election
NAMESPACE kube-system namespace in which harbor-sync runs (used for leader-election)
HARBOR_POLL_INTERVAL 5m poll interval to update harbor projects & robot accounts
FORCE_SYNC_INTERVAL 10m set this to force reconciliation after a certain time
ROTATION_INTERVAL 60m set this to rotate the credentials after the specified time

Running Harbor v2

This project supports harbor v2. You must set HARBOR_API_PREFIX to /api/v2.0/ to point the controller to the correct API endpoint

Command Line Interface

The harbor-sync binary has a subcommand that starts sync process: controller.

Standalone mode

The controller may run in standalone mode: This removes the necessity to run inside the Kubernetes cluster. In this mode harbor-sync reads a config file (see kind: HarborSync and kind: HarborRobotAccount) and reconciles the robot accounts in Harbor. Webhooks will be called to propagate the credentials into other subsystems. The mappings field will have not effect - this is specific to Kubernetes. In standalone mode state (i.e. the credentials for the robot accounts) is stored on disk.

Controller should run inside Kubernetes. It reconciles the desired state by managing the robot accounts in Harbor.

  harbor-sync controller [flags]
  harbor-sync controller [command]

Available Commands:
  standalone  Runs the controller in standalone mode. Does not require Kubernetes. It manages robot accounts and sends webhooks.

      --force-sync-interval duration    set this to force reconciliation after a certain time (default 10m0s)
      --harbor-api-endpoint string      URL to the Harbor API Endpoint
      --harbor-api-prefix string        Prefix of the Harbor API. For Harbor v2 set this to '/api/v2.0/' (default /api/)
      --harbor-password string          Harbor password to use for authentication
      --harbor-poll-interval duration   poll interval to update harbor projects & robot accounts (default 5m0s)
      --harbor-username string          Harbor username to use for authentication
  -h, --help                            help for controller
      --leader-elect                    enable leader election (default true)
      --metrics-addr string             The address the metric endpoint binds to. (default ":8080")
      --namespace string                namespace in which harbor-sync runs (used for leader-election) (default "kube-system")
      --rotation-interval duration      set this to rotate the credentials after the specified time (default 1h0m0s)
      --skip-tls-verification           Skip TLS certificate verification

Global Flags:
      --loglevel string   set the loglevel (default "info")